Six Things You Should Know About Theater

Six Things You Should Know About Theater:

1.) The Process of a Show: For all shows the process is different, but the for the majority of the time it goes, auditions, full cast read through, a walk through, blocking. If the show is a musical then throughout the process there are days where they are just for music and dance. All of these steps are important for each show to make it to opening night.


2.) Aristotle's Six Elements of Drama: These are all very important parts of theater that often get overlooked. All six elements must be completely developed, mainly the plot, theme, and character, for the show to succeed. If there was even one element missing the entire show would fall apart.


3.)  When to Spell it Theatre not Theater: Theatre and theater are both nouns that mean a building, room, or outdoor structure for the presentation of plays, films, or other dramatic performances. They can also refer to the activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing plays. Simple it depends where you are from and what form of english you are using. British English for all uses it is Theatre, and for American English is Theater.

4.) The Fourth Wall: The fourth wall is a term for an imaginary “wall” that is between the actors on stage and the audience. The actors pretend that they can not see or hear the audience, which the audience seems to enjoy. This feeling of the fourth wall also has the same effect in movies. Most modern theater productions usually do not acknowledge the audience, but it was frequently broken in Elizabethan and Restoration drama (the time of Shakespeare). At Long Trail we often break the fourth wall, mainly because our stage is so small, but also because we do not believe in the fourth wall.

5.) Theater Tech:Simply without theater tech there would be no show. Tech includes lights, sound, set, props, and costume; really anything that is not acting. These areas work together in a production to establish the place, time period, and mood of the production. All part of theater tech have to work together for the show, meaning that if the lighting designer uses blue light and the costume designer creates a yellow dress, the audience will see an ugly green dress.


6.) Stage Directions: One commonly confusing part of theater is stage direction. Mainly because there is house directions and stage directions and they are opposite from each other. It is all about where your point of view is coming from in the theater. The stage directions are as if you were up on the stage facing the audience. Where the house directions are from if you are in the audience facing the stage.

Rationale: With this listicle, I wanted to share my love for theater, and all of the the different aspects of theater. Many people think that theater is simple and that anyone can just jump into it with no background, but that is wrong to some extent. Because there are so many elements that go into theater it takes awhile to learn. Each and every area of theater relies on one another for the show to be successful. This is hard for people who are not involved in theater to understand, that is why I wanted to share the relationships regarding theater.


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