A Day Where No One Was Home

A Day Where No One Was Home


September 6th, 2005 is a day that will haunt Kathy Zeitoun for the rest of her life. This day being the first day where Abdulrahman Zeitoun (a.k.a. Zeitoun) is trapped in New Orleans and has not called Kathy. Her immediate thought is that he is dead, with no reasoning for such a thought. There is a possibility that he is just out helping people and did not know what time it is; this did not even come up in thought. Of course her mind jumps to the worst of being a single mom and having to move to Syria, because she could not hold her own in America. What has society made her think of this situation? What has the government lead her to believe about New Orleans? The biggest question that she needed an answer to was Where is HER HUSBAND?? All of these questions flooding her mind. She could not think straight or keep up a calm appearance for her kids which started to worry them too. Along with the questions swirling in her head her kids started to ask questions too. Such as “Where is Dad? Did he call you today? When will we see him again? How is he?”. She tried to get away from it all by going for a drive, but all that did was build up her anxiety even more because of the news that was on every single radio station. There was no escape. With the media putting bad images in her head, Ahamd was little to no help thinking of only the worst. Thinking that Zeitoun might be dead or in a prison that will send him overseas placing him a secret prison, to never be seen again. Anything and everything was possible!! This scared Kathy, to the point where Yuko had a hard time controlling her and keeping her calm. With Yuko seeing that Kathy is such distress, she started to loose her cool as well. There was no help for either of them, except for one simple thing; a phone call from New Orleans about Zeitoun's whereabouts. Every single time the phone rang there was hope, but after they answer, they did not care who was on the other line because it was not Zeitoun or about him. After a few days of them running around like a chicken with its head chopped off they lost all hope. They were certain that Zeitoun was dead and he would never be heard from again, even though they had no evidence that pointed to this.

This tabloid would be published in the Globe because of it widespread range of topics. Also because one of the sections covers high-rate crimes, and even though this does not talk about crime per-say but it eludes to it. This tabloid article talks about a mysterious disappearance of a person that many knew as a hero, which would intrigue a wide range audience. Along with the Globe being the largest seller in America since 1954, this story would spread across the United States and more would know about the Zeitoun’s. This not only would be good for Kathy to find Zeitoun but also good for their company because the readers would have empathy for her and would try to help her in any way possible.


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