Media Consumption

Throughout documenting my media consumption I noticed that in my house the news is always on, most of the time it is there for background noise. I also realized that even though we do have cable in my house I watch youtube and netflix more, but not often. When I get in my car to drive anywhere I always listen to music and I spend a lot of time listening to music when I am reading or doing homework. I think that my media consumption has changed a lot since I started high school, because we are asked to use our computers or phones to access the internet to do homework. Once this started it opened a portal to the internet and social media becoming a huge aspect of our lives. Also when I started high school and as I get older I have noticed that I spend more time on media and have relied on it more than I did before high school. I like the fact that I can talk to friends and family that I do not see in person anymore, such as friends that have graduated, family that lives all over America and in other countries. I do not like how reliant people, including myself, have become on the internet, and social media. I feel like I have been aware of how much I use the internet and social media and do not think that there is anything that I need to change.


  1. Very interesting. Maybe add some visuals to enhance your blog.


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